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Trauma Insurance – Are you prepared?

Trauma-CoverPeople’s lives and personal circumstances can change in an instance. And if the unexpected were to happen, like suffering a serious illness or injury : Think cancer, heart attack, stroke, paralysis and even blindness, the cost of recovery can have a huge impact both emotionally and financially.

What are the chances?
Research indicates that one in five men and one in seven women between the ages of 30 and 64 will suffer a critical illness*. The good news is, medical advances mean we have a greater chance of surviving.

Trauma Insurance means you can focus on your recovery instead of the burden of finances.

There are other types of cover to consider too, such as Income Protection Insurance and Total & Permanent Disability. All are designed to help you financially if you can’t work due to illness or injury.

Want to know more?
To find out more about the types of insurance available, or if you are unsure as to whether your current Insurance policies are right for you, give us a call on 07 3806 5222 or email us at – we offer a free, no obligation review of your current insurances – it’s just part of the service we include to all of our clients!

*GenRe LifeHealth Australian Critical Illness Survey 2008

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